Sunday 30 August 2009

Silly pics!

Back in the Medival Party, I showed you a silly picture!
Here it is but with a new one!

1. Medival Blast!

NEW!!! 2. When you buy something for your pet but they hate it!

NEW!!! 3. Nice hair, Fluffy!

NEW!!! 4. Mmmm... That meal just went right through me!

Enjoy the fun!
~Pondbond~ :)

Saturday 29 August 2009

Extra, extra, extras!!!

Pondbond here with another BIG post for you CPS fans!

1. Treasure Book 4 is out!

2. A Catchin' Waves Game Upgrades catalog cheat!

So that's where you get the Silver Surfboard!

3. Fall Fair's coming! Members see the puffle circus!
4. Rockhopper's coming!
5. Underwater Adventure is a play, not a party!

There! Phew!
See ya!
:) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Pondbond a member!

I'm finally a member!
Check new me out!

look out for me on cp

Thursday 13 August 2009

200th CPT is out!!!

Pondbond here.
We have just updated a new 'Don't Click Here!' button.
Click it; if you dare!
Also Club Penguin Times #200 is out!
♫♪Happy Birthday CPT
Happy Birthday CPT!...♫♪
That's enough of that!

says: soar with a balloon ride! hover with your own jetpack!

says: meet the famous inventor!


Plus get ready to be washed away with the Underwater Party!
See ya!

Monday 10 August 2009

Two New Parties Heading Our Way!

There's two new parties coming.
The Festival of Flight is coming when you help Gary fly to Tallest Mountain. (14-18 August)
And the Underwater Adventure. (21 August-10 Semtember)
Look out.

Thursday 6 August 2009


Hi! Alrt here!

Sorry I haven't been posting, as you know its the summer holidays, and pondbond is on holiday :)

This will be a BIG post!

1. New chat servers has been added to the 'safe chat'! Chatter chatter!
Here is a picture of me using one of them on a safe chat server:

Game - Hide and Seek - (there you are!)

2. There is a club penguin furniture vote. Here are the options:

Cool? I'm gonna vote for the green puffle Chair!

3. Wow, gary has thought of a way to stop the water leak in the swimming pool! Ready for this? HE IS GOING TO MAKE THE CLUB PENGUIN ISLAND FLOAT! There is going to be a club penguin 'Festival of Flight'! I can't wait!

4. Here is something I found. The 'Multiple Connections' sign has changed.
It used to say something like 'Multiple connections detected......(blah blah blah)' Probably to get the people who did not understand it to understand.
Who finds, that when they log off, that message comes up? I do. If you do, please comment! Its really important. Thanks.
5. Aqua is winning the colour vote! :)